Floor Roundup in the Dojo Corral
We need to have a meeting. How about the Dojo Friday night. If you both RSVP, I'll shoot you an agenda.
count me in. what time?
Dunno. If DeP doesn't show, we should make it one of those chess match extravaganzas. What 5:30 mountain, 4:30 your time?
Non. I cannot meet on Friday. It is lake time in the north and there I selfishly go. Where I live, it's a four day weekend and, as you know, lost opportunity is not found again.
But I agree that we should meet though for what I'm not sure. It's just good to meet now and then in't?
Have some slagroom and think about when we can figure this out.
Oh yeah. That new look: like it. More interesting.
Now I gotta read all these pages I'm printing off in case there's something good.
Indeed. It would be good to finally meet again inside the confines of the dojo. Let me know what time is good for you. In the mean time, wish me luck in my impending chess duel with Boli!
we could play a game, sure thang. 4:30 my time is groovy. our dojo is working, correct?
The dojo is working as far as I know. The only thing that might be a problem is its total lack of utilization lately, it may have forgotten it exists you know? We'll see tomorrow. I will give you a game and hopefully not get double rocking chaired shotgun checked, or whatever it was that you did to me last time with that horse and bishop.
what time are you meeting on Friday.....in the event my plans are postponed? [sometimes it snows]
oh. watch the pawns. strike with the knight. move the bishop left. hide the queen on the right. watch Boli's eyes. I think he has a giveaway twitch.
Or I can just up end the board before he brings the hammer down. We are meeting 5:30 mountain time, 4:30 pacific. It would be lovely to see you there, Gabby. After the animal mauls me, I will need someone to salve my wounds.
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