TQR Confidential

Friday, August 10, 2012

Doomey surfaces to send Ricky Ginsburg the good news

Hello Ricky,

Happy to report that your cap touched the monkey. I know this is the second time around for Iceland Comes To Florida, but I've lost all records prior to, um, yesterday, and for the life of me I can't remember if I Terminaled your cap last time. Me thinks I did, yo ho. But, regardless, I like the changes you've made (I'm guessing you've made changes, the cap reads smooth, bro, though it may have read smooth before, hah) and I've hopes in my soul that this piece goes upward. Congrats and good luck. Vetting starts in a week or so.

Keep it unreal,

Boligard Doomey the Floor www.tqrstories.com


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