A bit o'misdirection, wherein Al Bray fakes out the capital managers, but Boligard and TQR finally get it right
On Aug 8, 2009 10:19am, Boligard Doomey wrote:

> Hello Al,
> I am sorry to report that the capital you sent us did not touch the monkey. Feel free to give us what for or just flip us the bird (via tqrtalkback@gmail.com) for not realizing your potential. I am sure The Permanent Temporary Postmaster will be picked up by some other magazine.
> Keep it real,
> Boligard Doomey
> the Floor
> www.tqrstories.com
>From: Al Bray

Date: Mon, Aug 10, 2009 at 7:06 AM
Subject: Re: The Permanent Temporary Postmaster and TQR
To: Boligard Doomey
Dear Boligard,
No, it is I who should receive the bird flip. I realized in reading your e-mail that I sent you the wrong story, possibly due to insomnia. The one that [THE BIG KAHUNA] liked on the Zoetrope site and recommended I send you is called A Variation in Temperature. I don't know if it's right for your magazine or not, but I'd appreciate your consideration. I'll send it now. Thanks again.
Al Bray
On Wed, Aug 12, 2009 at 6:00 AM, Boligard Doomey wrote:

ah. this explains it. thank jesus i didnt shoot down a story you asked for. i would'a been fired, man!
to whichTHE BIG KAHUNAreplied:

Yeah, right. Without you where would WE be? Anywhat. It's in Dep's hands now. Don't sweat it. And to be redundant, don't read The Warrior and the Marksman, it's been withdrawn. Laters.
> Hello Al,
> I am sorry to report that the capital you sent us did not touch the monkey. Feel free to give us what for or just flip us the bird (via tqrtalkback@gmail.com) for not realizing your potential. I am sure The Permanent Temporary Postmaster will be picked up by some other magazine.
> Keep it real,
> Boligard Doomey
> the Floor
> www.tqrstories.com
>From: Al Bray
Date: Mon, Aug 10, 2009 at 7:06 AM
Subject: Re: The Permanent Temporary Postmaster and TQR
To: Boligard Doomey
Dear Boligard,
No, it is I who should receive the bird flip. I realized in reading your e-mail that I sent you the wrong story, possibly due to insomnia. The one that [THE BIG KAHUNA] liked on the Zoetrope site and recommended I send you is called A Variation in Temperature. I don't know if it's right for your magazine or not, but I'd appreciate your consideration. I'll send it now. Thanks again.
Al Bray
On Wed, Aug 12, 2009 at 6:00 AM, Boligard Doomey wrote:
ah. this explains it. thank jesus i didnt shoot down a story you asked for. i would'a been fired, man!
to whichTHE BIG KAHUNAreplied:
Yeah, right. Without you where would WE be? Anywhat. It's in Dep's hands now. Don't sweat it. And to be redundant, don't read The Warrior and the Marksman, it's been withdrawn. Laters.