TQR Confidential

Monday, September 18, 2006

Yet another (unsolicited) Testimonial!

I swear on my mother's old cat's grave that this was unsolicited! It warmed my cockles, too, seeing as how lately I've been wondering if anybody is reading our stupid 'zine. Yes indeed, it gave me strength to carry on. Perhaps, in face, we will survive!

Date: 2006/09/18 20:07 By: Chris Status: Visitor

It took me a while to realise it - I'm generally a slow kinda guy - but having submitted work to TQR, I am, by definition, a VC. Now that I have exited the elevated end of that little epiphanic episode, I would like to make a comment about the editorial process, as it exists at TQR.

I should say at this point that my story was rejected. But therein lies the lie! I don't feel as though it was rejected. I was given so much information as to why it didn't make the grade, that I experienced a kind of respect emanating from my PC screen. Not just respect, dare I say it, for some aspect or part of my work. But also respect for having submitted to such a public arena in the first place.

To be honest, it also took me a while to get into the groove with you guys. I just plain couldn't make any sense out of your language. But when I applied a filter of sorts - ie. assumed that you're all a bit mad - then your communication became as clear as day (I know! Cliche!). So, while I found myself wading through a lot of stuff I barely understood, partly due to the dynamics between you lot, when it came to adjudging fiction, it became obvious to me that you all know your stuff.

So, to summarise:
1) Didn't mean to be a quiet VC - just didn't realise I was a VC.
2) very impressed with such professional handling of my story, and
3) Thank you all for the advice.

I might just pester you with more of my fictitious efforts in the future (I know! Redundant!)

So, in this spirit, it was an honour to be rejected by you.



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