TQR Confidential

Tuesday, April 22, 2008

Prospectus for the Summer Issue

Per usual, the transparency of our editorial brokerage firm has lead to a slow trickle, dare I say a syphlitic drip of PCGs into the hopper. We are confident, however, that the truth will out and only the most daring and, therefore, better and well-heeled type of VC will answer the bell, giving us a small, but potent crop of cap to choose from.

There has been no movement in the hierarchy of the company: The Floor is still staffed as it has been since the inception; and Maggie and Bulldust continue to give reliable and outstanding pluralities inside the Terminal.

No adjustments or reactionary remedies are therefore suggested.

Ever yours, TQR

Wednesday, April 02, 2008

Spring Issue CGs

Congratulations are in order to a pair of VC with long, important-sounding names. In a way this issue's CGs are a first for us. They are both somewhere leaning toward the fantasy genre. Whereas we've reaped the wind of sci-fi, I don't think we've really ever published a so-called fantasy piece. So, following that logic, we're breaking new, uhm, wind? Unfortunate analogies aside, in two weeks we'll be presenting these beauties to you, the investors, for your total quality reading satisfaction. See you at the wind breaking! Don't be late!

On the Night Side of the Walnut Moon

by Joseph Paul Haines

Celibate Jayne the Hammerhand
by Michael John Grist