KNIGHTS OF THE HOLLOW may be one to follow
Merci beaucoup for thinking to send Knights of the Hollow for consideration by what is clearly the right place in the universe for it here at TQR.
You know your characters well, and you know too of what they are capable. The telling of your tale is swift, efficient, entertaining, erect, tight, executed by a mind and hand advanced in sculpting his material with precision into the final product intended. Or so it seems...
The Monkey squeals with delight and allows you the most brief but significant sniff of his tail.
Let's see what happens in The Terminal, for the ones who occupy those rooms dissect the caps with instruments I've only heard whispers of here on the lowly Floor.
Bonne chance!
Gabrielle DePlancher / The Floor - TQR / Sent while levitating from my own Bright Cloud.