VC of Double Occupancy, Daniel Pearlman: Found!
I've had an APB out for this guy for about a week now due to my inability to contact him with his Rhode Island U. e-mail addy. So, I figured I'd send him his $$ and that would get him off the dime. As that Cabaret queer-o Joel Grey used to say, "Money makes the world go 'roun." Here's the gmail he sent me, sans e-mails addys. I'm all about protecting the VC's privacy, yo.
Dear TQR guy,
Thank you for accepting "Double Occupancy" for your summer issue.
Please inform me when the issue appears.
I'm surprised you had a problem sending me an email at &&&&&&&&&&
However, my other email address is
Either one should work. Try both. I look forward to getting the
contract. I do, in fact, have on my computer an electronic signature, if needed.
By the way, I'm amazed that you've already paid me. No one usually
does anymore till months after publication.
May TQR long thrive!
==Dan Pearlman
Dear TQR guy,
Thank you for accepting "Double Occupancy" for your summer issue.
Please inform me when the issue appears.
I'm surprised you had a problem sending me an email at &&&&&&&&&&
However, my other email address is
Either one should work. Try both. I look forward to getting the
contract. I do, in fact, have on my computer an electronic signature, if needed.
By the way, I'm amazed that you've already paid me. No one usually
does anymore till months after publication.
May TQR long thrive!
==Dan Pearlman
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