From the Chairman: The TQR Fall Issue
Dear Investors,
Aside from the Insider Trading interviews yet to be finalized, the Fall Issue is complete. And the four featured capital gains are, again, marvels to behold, proving once again TQR is in the vanguard of e-zinery, in that when we say our tastes are eclectic it's truly not just lip service.
For instance, where else are you going to find the cyberpunk feel of a Spiral Architects smack dab next to the classical literature that is Accidents? Not to mention the pseudo-horror of The Festival of the Pines butting rudely up against the (in its author's words) 'MENSA after dark' of On Being Asked to Dance by a Genius?
The answer is nowhere! but TQR.
I would like to thank all the VC who gmailed us their precious capital this quarter, and remind them that the submissions period for our Floor operation is now officially again begun. So if you believe you have any possible gains to matriculate to the top of the heap, please gmail them to us for the inspection of Boligard Doomey or Gabrielle DePlancher. They have once again taken up their posts in the dank confines of the basement and are eagerly awaiting your ventures.
On a frustrating note I would like to thank the four VC of the current Fall issue CG's who hotmailed me their bios and jpegs, and apologize for my ignorance in being able to translate them to the site. If anybody has any advice for me, I'm all ears. But for now the textual content of said bios are going to have to suffice because I am a moron.
Sincerely, TQR
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