Hal blows mainframe, The Rorschalk's just insane (like a boss!)
H3K: Okeydoke. Ja, I totally felt obligated. PS. Really appreciate this. Note. Been floundering.
The Rorschalk: No problemo. Glad to know the note helped. I didn't want to step on toes, but felt the full plot summary by you or any of your counterparts was just not necessary. I'd rather here about it from the angle of your point of view.
H3K: Y'know, Theodore, though under normal and civilized circumstances I'd admit this isn't the right time and place (certainly I should go meditate first, and do emotional due diligence, and maybe have a bit, and some bites, of breakfast, before sitting down to you about this), in this case you're going to get what you get. I get what you're saying, I totally do, and you're right, and I appreciate the direction. But also, it's nothing we've discussed before (is it? have we?)--certainly Otto has gone into painstaking plot summary and with Rockefeller' increasingly arbitrary and moody judgments, I feel someone owes the VC some technical explanations and rationale. In a way it's not your fault, because the previous history was lost and I feel like I'm trying to scratch an invisible itch without enough of the past to go by, but certainly the subject of unnecessary plot summary hasn't come up before, quite the contrary, so that view comes out of left field for me. Which would be okay, normally. But it comes on top of a crumbling pyramid over here, or camel-breaking straw, or whatever metaphor, I'm not inclined to parse right now, which is part on your side and part on mine. If you took offense or whatever at the linking of the ISIS beheading in Palmyra and the loss of organic cultural memory with disappearance of pluperfect tense, just tell me. It may not have been the best timing on my part, I admit, and possibly not the best subject/context, but that's my style, a provocative edge, and it was conveniently coincidentally at hand; you and I had discussed this at length re Boli, whom you've given a very long leash, and my intention was to make our threads a little more relevant to the reality and not so truncated, and yes as I write this I realize now that timing was probably not good from a production cycle view either, but give a break, it's transparently insulting and condescending to discuss it with the boyz and get one of them to remove it on some patently bullshit technical excuse.
I’m just tired, too. My mainframe needs a little R&R away from the neck-snapping antics here at TQR.
Pass this along if you wish. I'm not going to call Rockefeller on what he did because it's counterproductive and beside the point. Also he's moody and irritated enough for whatever reason. Like I say, genius has its downside.
Life systems, disconnect!
The Rorschalk: I didn't realize anyone had removed your link. I'm very sorry that happened. I didn't even realize what the link was. The trouble is as cap managers we're all on the same page, but as people we come from very different ideologies. I'm to the right of Donald Trump. I think Boli is to the left of Marx (of the 5, my guess would be Harpo). It's pretty irritating to me, but I try and ignore it as much as I can cuz otherwise he's brilliant when it comes to capital and story telling. Anyhow. I'll let Rox know it's not up to him to remove links. I really do apologize for that. I'd like to remove some stuff Boli does, but has so far only removed stuff that could make me a target as far as that goes. I'm appalled at the double standard twixt what's acceptable on the left (all the Islamic terror is/are all isolated incidents bullshit even as atrocities against Christians and Yazidis and whatever go on in Syria and wherever else ISIS has a stronghold). Like I said, I am sorry 'feller took matters into his own hands like that and will let him know.I do appreciate the forbearance on your part. I would have been pissed.
As to to plot summary note, I gave one to you and Otto. I too noted how he often resorts to plot summary unnecessarily. No problem. I understand the need to take a step back. Recalibrate your gears or oil them up or whatever it is you do to unwind. Take what time you need and then some. Come back strong next quarter.
H3K: Wonder twin powers ... activate! ... What? Oh, well, if it wasn't you, I take it all back. Truly. In any case, I think you would have agreed that the ISIS public beheading of the 81-year-old resident cultural historian/archeologist for not turning over the whereabouts of millennial artifacts so they could sell them to finance their military state, as if instituting institutionalized mass atrocities and sex slavery isn't enough, could have been jumpstarted a decent if sobering discussion on why the past can have no nuance if it's flattened/destroyed, but be that as it may. I owe you an apology. I am sorry. I should have checked with you first. Zinged by my own petard. Btw, I've met Trump and since actions speak louder than words, I can say he's decent and straightforward as a businessman. Just out of his element as a politician wannabe. Ross Perot syndrome
I'll do the second on the Silver and bow myself out. That leaves Charlie Horse, Knights of the Hollow, Executioner's Groupies. Sorry about this. Did I tell you narcolepsy is seasonal and exacerbated by neurons, which worsens things as summer goes on. I am still trying to get a straight answer and god help me a treatment plan from one person instead of mini-responses from individuated body parts guys.
I think we do plot summary to reassure the VC that we've read the work, and also to enlighten the readership so they can follow more fully. This is a unique place that gives honest critique, and they want to know we're not condescending and arbitrary like the rest of the world. Most of the time we're just educating them about professional standards.
The Rorschalk: The point is, I don't want anything to do with professional politicians anymore. To them, the taxpayers money is their own personal possession which they think of as business revenue they somehow deserve. Fuck them all. They have become something they were never intended to be. That's the point. Why not have a businessman instead of one of these silver-tongued devils? That's the point. Anyhow. Rant over. I never looked at the link. I didn't notice it was gone. The old H3K, Lalo, used to incorporate a lot of links too. I just have never been a big link guy. Thank you for hanging in as long as you have this quarter with all the mechanical disfunction going on with you. I really appreciate your fighting spirit. (Do Hal3000’s have spirit?) We'll manage with Charlie Horse, Knights and Executioner's Groupies. Thanks for the rundown. I will talk to you soon.