LIGETY'S BOOK OF LIGHT trips Boligard's fantastic
Just examined the capital you sent. Examined it while smoking some massive whag and listening to Fear of a Black Planet. the outcome was good. It's a long cap, but it's a good cap, me thinks. I just absolutely love a cat who can craft. You'd be amazed how many VCs come to us with stuff hardly crafted, more thrown together. And why'd they thrown it together in the first place is a mystery. Why craft if you're not amazed by crafting, right? Respect, captain. Anywhat. I tossed the cap you sent us to the monkey and he seemed pretty happy with it. So I'm flinging it up to the Terminal. Just gonna toss it right up there. Hope those thugs can make sense of it, 'cause it's good, sister. So now your cap is in the hands of the Terminali. Goodluck with that.
Boligard Doomey / the Floor /
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