THE SPUD sent for thawing in the Terminal ... Hip hip hurrah!
You surely must be a dancing fool to submit such a cap as The Spud for a jewel of an e-zine such as our TQR to consider. Your irreverence has stricken me. Your dog no doubt barks late into the night, too, while you chuckle yourself into some dreamscape unimaginable to those of thin walls and yellow stains on their jackets.
Your thing, The Spud, drew me in. I followed that mad protag of yours wherever he led. Oui, I nearly slipped once during the toilet scene with all the panic and grunting and quick thinking action for the sake of Frank, souvenirs, and helping one's fellow idol.
Surely you are mad. WWFZT? Hmmm?
Anyway, it's late. I'm only writing to be polite, so that you don't have to wonder what happened and what happens now. This: I laughed. The Monkey passed gas. Twice. His tail twitched. A lot. We both checked our pockets and the deep freeze on The Floor. We want this piece of....cap to advance.
I sent The Spud for thawing to my colleagues in the Terminal. Let's see what they think of this wonder turd, um...great work. I would say 'I LOVE it', but I can't say I love caps. You understand. It's a somber business.
Suffice it to say that your scuzzy mind has brought great joy to The Floor and for this I do thank you.
Merci beaucoup for your interest in TQR. I hope the Terminali review Spud favourably and do not merely demolish your water closet. Bonne chance!
A bientot,
G. DePlancher / The Floor / TQR
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