Another drubbing, although I did manage to take queen for queen, at least. Here's the transcript:
[20:58 doomey] ta-dah
[21:00 doomey] ta-da-da-da-dah-ta-dah
[21:00 tqr] hello
[21:01 tqr] I've got my son throwing his little b'ball around, soo.. bear with me.
[21:01 tqr] He wants to type, too.
[21:01 tqr] Type II type a da keys ... get it?
[21:01 doomey] has joined the room.
[21:02 tqr] Where the hell are the Queen's situated this day?
[21:02 doomey] gitch cha, bra
[21:02 doomey] hah hah
[21:02 doomey] the queen are on their own color
[21:02 doomey] every thing is directly across from each other
[21:02 tqr] My cheap ass chess set has clear men and white men
[21:03 doomey] hah
[21:03 doomey] clear men
[21:03 tqr] I have no idea which is black and which white
[21:03 doomey] invisable men
[21:03 tqr] So you gotta tell me where my queen goes.
[21:03 doomey] white be white
[21:03 doomey] clear be black
[21:03 tqr] I'm playing white so...
[21:03 doomey] your board have black and white squares
[21:03 tqr] queen on 1d?
[21:04 tqr] No clear and white.
[21:04 doomey] white queen, yes
[21:04 tqr] Clear be black. OK. That makes sense.
[21:04 doomey] clear squares?
[21:04 doomey] cool, mister
[21:04 tqr] OK. I'm ready to crush you. I have refresh off
[21:04 tqr] so we may actually get a transcript out of this.
[21:04 doomey] black queen is on d8
[21:05 tqr] Do you like the new Lobby configuration?
[21:05 doomey] so, you can pick your pieces
[21:05 doomey] clear or white?
[21:05 tqr] Yes. The queen's are facing down a straight line
[21:06 tqr] I've got white and your dastardly move will be 'clear'
[21:06 tqr] So, son on lap, I will make the first move...
[21:06 tqr] Hello... are you there gridley?
[21:06 doomey] new lobby config? um. i's tired of our lobby look, so i can't say i like it, but you've done a lot of kickass work on it.
[21:07 doomey] is yer boy gonna flip the board tonight?
[21:07 doomey] ha hah
[21:08 tqr] e4
[21:08 doomey] got your move!
[21:08 doomey] e5
[21:08 tqr] Only if I"m losing...
[21:08 tqr] got your move!
[21:09 tqr] Bc4
[21:09 doomey] got your crazy move
[21:09 doomey] you a wild man!
[21:09 doomey] bishops out and wandering about
[21:09 tqr] Bc 4
[21:10 tqr] Ok. Damn the dojo is slow again tonight.
[21:10 tqr] Gotta make shit happen is all.
[21:10 doomey] Nf6
[21:11 tqr] yrs
[21:11 tqr] got your move
[21:11 tqr] You keeping this on paper?
[21:11 doomey] how's the boy
[21:12 doomey] giving you trouble
[21:12 doomey] a chip off the old block
[21:12 doomey] yes i am recording our game on paper
[21:12 tqr] N3f
[21:12 tqr] He is with his mother now. She has come out of her pain cave.
[21:12 doomey] Nc6
[21:13 tqr] But he's a fun little guy.
[21:13 doomey] pain cave
[21:13 doomey] ouch
[21:13 tqr] You like to ride horses?
[21:13 tqr] got your move!
[21:14 doomey] horse
[21:14 doomey] had them when i was a kid
[21:14 tqr] 0-0
[21:14 doomey] got bucked off once
[21:14 doomey] haven't rode since
[21:14 doomey] ut i do like horses
[21:14 tqr] Weren't they property of the circus, though?
[21:14 doomey] very cool animals to stand next to and try and be friends with
[21:14 doomey] big eyes
[21:14 doomey] i'd like to ride again
[21:15 tqr] Or what?
[21:15 doomey] circus horses, yes
[21:15 tqr] Did you ever read the play "Equs"?
[21:15 tqr] Or however you spell that
[21:16 doomey] saw the movie
[21:16 tqr] 0-0 (castling king side)
[21:16 doomey] don't recall much liking it
[21:16 tqr] Or is that o-o?
[21:16 doomey] got your move
[21:17 tqr] Anyhow, the guy in that play poked out all the horses big eyes.
[21:17 doomey] either one
[21:17 tqr] I was thinking you might have some experience with that.
[21:17 doomey] 0-0 or o-o
[21:17 doomey] i guess
[21:17 doomey] i dunno
[21:17 doomey] oh that's right, about the eyes
[21:17 tqr] Are we headed for a bloodbath?
[21:18 doomey] nasty
[21:18 doomey] never poke any horses' eyes out, sister
[21:18 doomey] that's sick
[21:18 tqr] what you gonna do?
[21:19 tqr] Yo. brb, gotta get the kid some choco guk (milk).
[21:20 doomey] d5
[21:21 tqr] didja move, suckah?
[21:21 tqr] OK.
[21:21 tqr] got your move. You're beating my bishop.
[21:21 doomey] sorry, thought it was mine
[21:22 doomey] my bad
[21:22 tqr] I know we've know each other a few years now, but do you think that is called for?
[21:22 doomey] no, i don't
[21:23 tqr] Bb3
[21:23 doomey] got your move
[21:23 tqr] got my move?
[21:23 tqr] damn, I gotsto type something before I can see your next mssg!
[21:24 tqr] Fucking dojo!
[21:24 doomey] yes
[21:24 doomey] it is that way when you have refresh unchecked
[21:24 doomey] i left mine checked
[21:24 tqr] Oh well. It give me an excuse to taunt and spout inane shit.
[21:24 doomey] went all last game with it unchecked
[21:24 doomey] hastle
[21:24 tqr] See, now that's fucking smart.
[21:24 tqr] I never would have realized that.
[21:25 tqr] You are not stupid.
[21:25 tqr] You're like socrates or somthing.
[21:25 doomey] can't spell hassle though
[21:25 tqr] Telling people you are stupid when you are like bulling them and making them look dumb.
[21:25 tqr] I know your angle.
[21:26 doomey] what to do... what to do
[21:26 tqr] Left unchecked, I could run amok all night long.
[21:26 doomey] my slant, sister
[21:26 doomey] unchecked you have a transcript, right?
[21:27 tqr] I'm sure you have several killer moves ... why not throw my a lonely one, just for the hell of it?
[21:27 doomey] but we don't really need one
[21:27 doomey] a transcript, that is
[21:27 tqr] Yep. Remind me not to click out of here before I copy it, or it will be lost again.
[21:27 tqr] Sure, why not. Bobby Fischer might want to audit this shit!
[21:28 tqr] You know?
[21:28 tqr] Yeppers...
[21:28 doomey] i figure if people want to experience our game, they would be here, so we don't really need a transcript
[21:28 doomey] oh shit is that going to be in the transcript
[21:28 doomey] crap
[21:28 tqr] mm hmmm
[21:28 doomey] trying to think up a move
[21:29 tqr] What don't you want in the transcript?
[21:29 tqr] Too late now!
[21:29 tqr] The world will know of you, and tremble.
[21:29 doomey] dxe4
[21:30 tqr] You got plenty of game...
[21:30 doomey] meaning my pawn on the d collumn takes your pawn on e4
[21:30 doomey] which i am sure you already knew
[21:30 tqr] got your move.
[21:30 doomey] you being rorschalk and all
[21:30 doomey] brb
[21:31 doomey] gotta wax my pet dolphine
[21:31 doomey] he's screaming in the tub
[21:31 doomey] thank god there's a tub in the dojo
[21:31 doomey] brb
[21:31 tqr] when can I en passant you?
[21:32 tqr] Yeah. Just don't slosh too much. The carpet is Berber, man!
[21:32 tqr] It's Berber!
[21:34 doomey] ok
[21:34 doomey] the fish is okay
[21:34 doomey] which is cool
[21:34 doomey] cooking it up for dinner later
[21:34 doomey] want it fresh, sister
[21:34 tqr] Bxf8
[21:35 tqr] Fuck the clergy!
[21:35 tqr] I hereby give myself permission to delete that heinous statement from the transcript.
[21:36 doomey] do you mean Bxf7?
[21:36 tqr] I've finished my first Red Stripe. Two more to go. I've got to learn to drink slower.
[21:37 doomey] i am drinking 22oz sapporos tonight
[21:37 tqr] Doesn't my Bishop have a clear path to f8?
[21:37 tqr] and your Bishop?
[21:37 doomey] your bishop was on b3
[21:37 tqr] I was on b3?
[21:37 tqr] Oh shit. BAd move. I take it back now.
[21:38 tqr] Maybe one Red STripe is one too many...
[21:38 tqr] OK. recablibrating...
[21:38 doomey] never too many, bra
[21:38 doomey] only too few
[21:39 doomey] have a multi-vitamin
[21:39 doomey] and some hay fever medicine
[21:39 doomey] lear you right up
[21:40 tqr] d3
[21:40 doomey] did you fall down? trip on lil' theo's b-ball?
[21:40 doomey] ah
[21:40 doomey] got your move!
[21:41 tqr] Lear! I love that old fool!
[21:41 doomey] exf3
[21:41 doomey] so you tell me, what did i take?
[21:42 tqr] didja move?
[21:42 tqr] horse
[21:42 tqr] got your move
[21:43 tqr] qxf3
[21:43 doomey] horse, correct, sirah!
[21:44 doomey] got your move
[21:44 tqr] i got your pawn!!!!
[21:44 doomey] now we've got yourselves a game
[21:44 tqr] hoorah~!v
[21:44 tqr] c
[21:44 tqr] b
[21:44 tqr] that c and b is sam's doing
[21:45 tqr] bnn
[21:45 doomey] ok, now observe the power of the fork
[21:45 tqr] that bnn too
[21:45 doomey] sam, well done
[21:45 doomey] Nd4
[21:45 tqr] fudge
[21:46 tqr] i didn't want tha bishop anyway!
[21:46 tqr] ujhhhjo 0jjm .
[21:46 tqr] again, sam
[21:46 doomey] nice typing, sam
[21:46 tqr] Kinda sounds like how I'm feeling right now though, got your bloody move
[21:47 doomey] looks like we got ourselves a writer here
[21:47 doomey] oh no
[21:47 tqr] bc7f
[21:47 tqr] +\
[21:47 tqr] +
[21:48 tqr] iBisho[ chekc
[21:48 tqr] sam, sto[ it1
[21:48 tqr] ++++
[21:48 tqr] +++
[21:48 tqr] bx7f
[21:48 tqr] +
[21:48 doomey] bc7f?
[21:48 doomey] i don't get it
[21:49 tqr] vv.v,v,
[21:49 doomey] sam, try and talk some sense into your dad, eh?
[21:49 tqr] bx7f
[21:49 tqr] +
[21:49 doomey] i did not get your move
[21:49 doomey] oh
[21:49 doomey] ok
[21:50 doomey] i got your move
[21:50 tqr] i may have to perform a diaper change on the lfy here
[21:50 doomey] Kxf7
[21:50 doomey] now i am screwed
[21:50 tqr] on my on
[21:50 doomey] i can't castle because i moved my king
[21:50 tqr] on sam, you idiot@!
[21:50 doomey] well done
[21:51 tqr] yep
[21:51 doomey] what is happening
[21:51 doomey] crazy stuff
[21:51 tqr] got your move
[21:51 doomey] diaper change
[21:51 doomey] yes!
[21:52 tqr] vv
[21:52 tqr] i
[21:52 tqr] m smelling something rank
[21:52 doomey] sam, is your dad around?
[21:52 doomey] oh, your here
[21:52 doomey] i thought maybe sam took you down
[21:52 doomey] wrestling move
[21:53 tqr] Qd1
[21:53 doomey] sister, sam is sitting on your lap. thestuff is going seep through.
[21:53 doomey] got your move
[21:54 tqr] Sam just took himself down.
[21:54 tqr] I think it was something like a self-styled ankle scissor of some soret
[21:54 tqr] He's running around now, bra.
[21:54 tqr] Mom's room one minute, lap the next.
[21:54 tqr] He's stinky.
[21:55 doomey] ah
[21:55 tqr] But he can type like a little man.
[21:55 doomey] the ol ankle scissor
[21:55 tqr] I'm regrouping, you...
[21:55 tqr] pig
[21:56 tqr] Caught myself guzzling the Red Stripe... the second is almost history.
[21:56 doomey] careful
[21:56 tqr] I've only got one left!
[21:56 doomey] sips
[21:56 doomey] Bc5
[21:56 tqr] Doomey, put me outta my misery1
[21:56 tqr] got your move
[21:56 doomey] stop that
[21:57 doomey] good game so far
[21:57 tqr] a4
[21:58 doomey] got your move
[21:58 tqr] I'm going lonely ...
[21:58 tqr] or am I????
[21:58 doomey] Ng4
[21:59 tqr] Once the third RStripe gone, will bring out heavy artillery.
[21:59 doomey] yeah, i dunno what your doing over there on a4
[21:59 doomey] something mysterious
[21:59 doomey] oh no
[21:59 doomey] the real booze
[21:59 doomey] the amber
[21:59 doomey] bugs get stuck in the amber, sister
[22:00 tqr] my wife just asked if I'm almost done...
[22:00 tqr] Well, am I?
[22:00 doomey] oh no
[22:00 tqr] Do you feel done, punk?
[22:00 doomey] tell her yes
[22:00 tqr] She's bluffing.
[22:00 doomey] tell her we've nearly nipped it in the bud
[22:00 doomey] whatever that means
[22:00 tqr] Sam will go down in a few minutes, and we'll be golden.
[22:01 doomey] yes, she's a bluffer
[22:01 tqr] So you gotta throw in a lonely move
[22:01 doomey] diff from a fluffer
[22:01 tqr] so we can play a bit more. I see your piling up on that corner box,
[22:01 tqr] just stop it!
[22:01 doomey] the corner box
[22:01 doomey] hah
[22:01 tqr] Did you just insinuate my wife fluffs Ron Jeremy types?
[22:01 tqr] Now you've done it!
[22:02 doomey] did i make the last move?
[22:02 doomey] i forget
[22:02 doomey] no, i said she is a bluffer, not a fluffer
[22:03 doomey] jeez, give this cat a few beers...
[22:03 tqr] f3
[22:03 tqr] brb
[22:03 doomey] got your move
[22:05 tqr] I'm back
[22:05 doomey] ok
[22:05 doomey] i was waiting
[22:05 tqr] How do you like that apple?
[22:06 doomey] now, theo, check this out
[22:06 tqr] Yo, I'm going to have to put Sam down her in 5 minutes or so.
[22:06 doomey] here is what is known in the deep south as a double pump shotgun check
[22:06 tqr] That might be a good time for you to take a piss break.
[22:06 doomey] Nf3
[22:06 tqr] You're already winning me?
[22:07 doomey] not a checkmate
[22:07 doomey] double check
[22:07 doomey] different animal
[22:07 doomey] in check by my horse and my bishop
[22:07 tqr] nxf3, don't you mean?
[22:07 doomey] at the same time
[22:07 tqr] Do you have to double pump me?
[22:08 doomey] across the border this is known as the horse and bishop gangbang
[22:08 tqr] That all you got?
[22:08 doomey] yes, i took the pawn
[22:08 doomey] sorry
[22:08 doomey] Nxf3
[22:08 tqr] kh1
[22:08 doomey] got your move
[22:09 tqr] Showy, show off, but ultimately lonely move.
[22:09 tqr] You don't scare me.
[22:09 doomey] Qh4
[22:10 tqr] yo yo you
[22:10 tqr] got your move
[22:11 tqr] h3
[22:11 tqr] suck it...
[22:11 doomey] got your move
[22:12 tqr] before it gets to hot and heavy in here, let me put Sam down.
[22:12 tqr] Take a piss break will ya?
[22:12 tqr] k?
[22:12 tqr] k?
[22:13 tqr] OK?
[22:13 doomey] Nf2 check
[22:13 tqr] Brother?
[22:13 doomey] oh ok
[22:13 tqr] Hey, you're not following orders.
[22:13 doomey] i take a piss break
[22:13 doomey] damn, wish i had to piss
[22:13 doomey] you go
[22:13 doomey] o, theo
[22:13 tqr] got your stinking move. be right back.
[22:13 doomey] lay down thine son
[22:15 doomey] oh when the cool wind breaks oer yonder reef
[22:15 doomey] and we've smoked up the last of the keef
[22:16 doomey] tis the merry mond that brings us up and high
[22:17 doomey] tis the merry mond that stitch our britches quay
[22:17 doomey] the merry mond from deep within the creek
[22:18 doomey] beneath the rocks the sand the dead man reek
[22:19 doomey] where she lie
[22:19 doomey] where she lie
[22:19 doomey] dum-de-dum dum-de-dum dum-de-dum
[22:20 doomey] christ, i still don't have to pee
[22:20 doomey] i'm off to find santino
[22:20 doomey] he owes me a goddamn beer from when we arm wrestled earlier
[22:20 doomey] ...
[22:22 tqr] sprru
[22:22 tqr] I think I meant to type 'sorry'
[22:23 tqr] May I get my last beer before the inevitable coup de gracey?
[22:23 doomey] sprru?
[22:23 doomey] please do
[22:23 tqr] be right back. Santino calls...!
[22:24 doomey] did you happen across my latest pirate song?
[22:24 tqr] OK
[22:24 tqr] I'm in a heap of trouble now, boy...
[22:24 doomey] who is
[22:24 tqr] I think you have a lovely voice, but the lyrics\
[22:24 tqr] Are you drunk?
[22:25 tqr] I'm in check.
[22:25 tqr] +++++++++++++++++++++++
[22:25 doomey] i like the lyrics
[22:25 doomey] the voice needs some work
[22:25 doomey] yes
[22:25 doomey] but my attack is weak
[22:25 doomey] there are holes, sirah
[22:25 doomey] holes!
[22:26 doomey] holes in my attack, i say
[22:26 doomey] look at my horses
[22:26 doomey] silly
[22:26 doomey] lined up as they are
[22:26 doomey] useless
[22:26 tqr] I think I only have one move
[22:26 tqr] and it's not a pretty one
[22:26 doomey] an my king!
[22:26 doomey] he's out with his bum in the wind
[22:27 doomey] make it
[22:27 doomey] the castle teeters...
[22:27 tqr] Rxf2
[22:27 doomey] it totters...
[22:27 doomey] and it falls on my damn horse!
[22:27 doomey] well met, sirah
[22:27 doomey] got your move
[22:28 tqr] But I have no chance to level my battle kite pon his crown.
[22:28 doomey] Qxf2
[22:28 tqr] fie 'pon't
[22:29 tqr] got your silly move.
[22:29 doomey] oh this is getting ugly
[22:29 doomey] i see light at the end of your tunnel
[22:29 doomey] i glint
[22:29 doomey] a glimmer
[22:30 doomey] what r u up to, sirah!
[22:31 doomey] i demand to know what you're up to!
[22:31 tqr] Qx3f
[22:31 doomey] some sort of secret battle technique, no doubt
[22:31 doomey] ah
[22:31 doomey] a move
[22:31 tqr] +
[22:31 doomey] i got your move, ted
[22:31 doomey] saw that one coming
[22:31 doomey] a mile away
[22:32 doomey] damn it to hell and back
[22:32 doomey] QxQ
[22:32 tqr] all I had, to live and fight another day, methinks
[22:33 doomey] well fought
[22:33 tqr] x3f
[22:33 doomey] got your move
[22:33 tqr] YOu have the advantage, of course.
[22:33 doomey] your gpawn takes my queen, right?
[22:33 tqr] It's now down to a battle of nutrition.
[22:34 tqr] right.
[22:34 doomey] eh?
[22:34 doomey] ok
[22:34 doomey] got your move
[22:34 doomey] wicked, sirah!
[22:34 doomey] hm...
[22:34 doomey] let's see
[22:34 tqr] at least I've decimated your cavalry.
[22:34 doomey] i could use a donut...
[22:35 tqr] Me, I still am horsed.
[22:35 doomey] fah, carbs
[22:35 tqr] I've some peanuts?
[22:35 doomey] you've my horses
[22:35 doomey] you bastard
[22:35 tqr] What about that fresh mahi mahi you're keeping in the hot tub?
[22:35 doomey] you cocksucking motherfucker
[22:35 doomey] oh that damn dolphin will be fine
[22:36 tqr] Good thing it's a fish use to tropical climes.
[22:36 doomey] just need its heart beating
[22:36 doomey] don't need it flopping about
[22:36 tqr] Whoa, what was that all about?
[22:36 doomey] fresh is the key to a good dolphin steak
[22:36 tqr] Do you see a death blow I might apply upon your person?
[22:36 doomey] hah
[22:36 doomey] thought that might slip by
[22:36 doomey] but no
[22:37 doomey] you are on your toes
[22:37 doomey] (like a ballet dancer)
[22:37 doomey] as per usual
[22:37 tqr] regroup.
[22:37 tqr] I've got one whole side to send into the fray!
[22:38 doomey] tis my move?
[22:38 tqr] Queenless though I be.
[22:38 doomey] me thinks
[22:38 tqr] Be u 2
[22:38 doomey] i am confused
[22:38 tqr] yours sirah.
[22:38 doomey] u2?
[22:38 doomey] i love u2
[22:38 doomey] that bono
[22:38 doomey] he has quite the velvet pipes
[22:38 doomey] and he can sing, too
[22:39 tqr] Now that your first gambit has failed to catch you a king, the play from here on in is the thing...
[22:39 doomey] yes, you've one side that hasn't moved a single buttcheek
[22:39 doomey] a play is the thing...
[22:39 tqr] mmmm, peanuts.
[22:39 tqr] You want some of this...?
[22:40 doomey] Bxh3
[22:40 tqr] I'm like Barishnykov
[22:41 doomey] gimme some peanuts, uhleeze
[22:41 doomey] you get?
[22:41 doomey] my move?
[22:41 doomey] careful
[22:41 tqr] a trifle, sir! Got your move.
[22:41 doomey] i might break into another pirate song
[22:41 doomey] ok
[22:42 tqr] Nc3
[22:42 tqr] did you get that?
[22:42 doomey] got your move!
[22:42 tqr] huh
[22:42 tqr] uh
[22:42 tqr] huh
[22:43 tqr] I'm going to beat you with what you have not anymore got.
[22:43 tqr] Get it ?
[22:43 tqr] Horseless toad, that you are.
[22:43 doomey] i don't get it
[22:43 doomey] god damn you, ted, i am trying to think!
[22:44 tqr] Fork you! And the horse you can no longer ride in on!
[22:44 doomey] to many voices in me head
[22:44 tqr] Lookah here, son.
[22:44 tqr] This is called the triple pump shotgun lonely move.
[22:44 doomey] Rf8
[22:44 tqr] Hyaaaaag!
[22:45 tqr] got your lonely move1
[22:45 tqr] Oh by the way, I've coated your peanuts with Roofies.
[22:45 doomey] that is a lonely move
[22:45 tqr] I win!
[22:46 doomey] oh you bastard
[22:46 doomey] you're scaring me
[22:47 tqr] hold....
[22:47 tqr] I'm about to come
[22:47 doomey] yuck
[22:48 doomey] you are suck a faker
[22:48 doomey] you don't have a move
[22:48 tqr] Kh2
[22:48 doomey] hah!
[22:48 doomey] got your move
[22:48 doomey] ow
[22:48 doomey] that is a really killer move
[22:48 tqr] got it?
[22:48 tqr] You're really patronizing me now.
[22:49 tqr] I have to dig deep, and zen this out somehow.
[22:49 doomey] no
[22:49 doomey] that was good
[22:49 tqr] Mother.
[22:49 tqr] Machiavellian son of a bithc1
[22:49 tqr] biscuit
[22:50 tqr] bisquik
[22:50 doomey] Bd7
[22:50 tqr] My old girlfriend nicknamed me Bisquick once.
[22:50 doomey] scared me off, you bastard
[22:50 tqr] Is that a good nickname for a girlfriend to give yo?
[22:51 tqr] so the tide must turn.
[22:51 tqr] And my next move must break you down like Rick Flair applying the vaunted figure 4 leg lock.
[22:51 tqr] Submit!
[22:52 tqr] got your move
[22:52 doomey] WWE, eh?
[22:52 doomey] WWF?
[22:52 doomey] whichever
[22:52 doomey] jeez
[22:52 doomey] like you grew up in iowa
[22:52 tqr] hold...
[22:53 tqr] Where you can eat the corn.
[22:53 doomey] mmm... ok
[22:53 doomey] sure
[22:53 doomey] iowa, where you can eat the corn
[22:54 doomey] now let's try and think about chess moves, eh? the little horsies and the priests
[22:54 doomey] oh, i've no horsies
[22:54 doomey] damn you, iowaian
[22:55 tqr] nf5
[22:55 doomey] got your move!
[22:55 tqr] Yes, but you've rookered me.
[22:56 doomey] no
[22:56 tqr] Which is something akin to snookering.
[22:56 doomey] you have no knight that can move to f5
[22:56 tqr] Except it's done with a rook instead of a snook.
[22:56 tqr] 5d
[22:56 tqr] i mean
[22:57 tqr] pardone, mssr.
[22:58 doomey] ah. ok
[22:58 doomey] got your move
[22:59 tqr] are you alive?
[22:59 doomey] Kg8
[22:59 tqr] the dojo just spiralled out of kilter for a minute.
[22:59 tqr] got your move
[22:59 doomey] yes, it does that
[23:00 doomey] you do know it launches us into outter space when we enter, right? we're like flying through the cosmos as we speak, bra
[23:01 tqr] Bd2
[23:01 doomey] got your move
[23:01 tqr] It's like being beamed up by Scotty.
[23:01 tqr] God rest his Scottish soul
[23:01 doomey] ah, i was just typing how we need to get our second rooks into play
[23:02 doomey] well done, sirah
[23:02 tqr] yellow
[23:02 tqr] oh now
[23:02 doomey] !Rxf3
[23:03 tqr] I couldn't go vertical, so lateral was the only solution.
[23:03 tqr] And you beat me to the punch.
[23:03 tqr] got yer muv
[23:04 doomey] back row is best for the rooks
[23:04 doomey] slide them along, and then bam!
[23:04 doomey] launch them
[23:05 tqr] Nc7
[23:05 tqr] Nxc7
[23:05 tqr] i mean
[23:06 tqr] I buried that pawn!
[23:06 doomey] got your movesorryi had refresh uncheckedi was going over our movesmaking sure i had them writ down correctly
[23:06 tqr] yes!
[23:06 tqr] yes!
[23:06 doomey] damn
[23:06 doomey] good move
[23:07 tqr] uh, yeah, your king is on e8 right?
[23:07 tqr] check!
[23:07 tqr] just kidding.
[23:07 doomey] Rf2+
[23:07 tqr] I know it ain't.
[23:08 doomey] my king is on g8
[23:08 tqr] damn you
[23:08 doomey] oh
[23:08 doomey] you were kidding
[23:08 doomey] phew
[23:08 tqr] this is the end
[23:08 doomey] scared me
[23:08 tqr] my only friend
[23:08 doomey] bastard
[23:08 tqr] the end.
[23:09 doomey] jim
[23:09 tqr] kh3
[23:09 doomey] oh, dear jim
[23:09 doomey] we used to drink, me and jim
[23:09 doomey] down on the beach
[23:09 tqr] oops. can't to that
[23:09 doomey] santa monica
[23:09 tqr] hold...
[23:09 doomey] right
[23:09 doomey] can't do that
[23:10 tqr] kg3
[23:10 tqr] I can do that.
[23:10 tqr] sob
[23:10 doomey] aRf8
[23:10 tqr] Red Stripe is finished.
[23:11 doomey] getting my rook out of the corner
[23:11 doomey] oh no
[23:11 doomey] red stripe
[23:11 doomey] finished
[23:11 tqr] which rook?
[23:11 doomey] here come the amber
[23:11 doomey] cornered rook
[23:11 tqr] OK, got it.
[23:11 tqr] got your move
[23:11 doomey] a8 rook to f8
[23:12 tqr] my move
[23:13 doomey] yea, tis your move, sirah
[23:13 doomey] so, no one showed up to watch us play the squares
[23:13 tqr] Bg5
[23:13 doomey] s'alright, though
[23:13 tqr] Who cares. Let them eat cap!
[23:14 doomey] we didn't talk it up too much
[23:14 doomey] maybe next week we make it an event
[23:14 tqr] It's all about cap gains, anyhow.
[23:14 doomey] we could play strip chess
[23:14 tqr] We're just having fun.
[23:14 doomey] hah
[23:14 doomey] strip chess
[23:14 tqr] Oh yes.
[23:15 tqr] Well, finish me then!
[23:15 doomey] oh shit
[23:15 doomey] you moved
[23:15 tqr] You sound overconfident.
[23:15 tqr] Now... you die!
[23:15 doomey] got your move
[23:16 tqr] Yes. Move your ass.
[23:16 tqr] Ok?
[23:16 tqr] Ok?
[23:17 doomey] thinking....
[23:17 tqr] Come on, mang.
[23:17 doomey] sweating...
[23:17 tqr] Make a bad move...!
[23:17 tqr] Do it!
[23:17 tqr] Lonely lonely lonely lonely
[23:17 tqr] lonely lonely lonely lonely lonely lonely
[23:17 doomey] e4
[23:18 tqr] lonely lonely lonely lonely
[23:18 doomey] hah
[23:18 doomey] you funny man
[23:18 doomey] with the lonely
[23:18 tqr] Are you throwing me a bone ... ?
[23:19 doomey] a bone?
[23:19 doomey] no
[23:19 doomey] i am throwing you a pawn
[23:19 doomey] common soilder
[23:19 doomey] i care not for him
[23:19 doomey] take him
[23:19 doomey] do what you will with him
[23:20 doomey] ravage him
[23:20 doomey] pore holes in him
[23:20 doomey] pull his arms from his sockets
[23:20 doomey] i care not
[23:20 tqr] px4e
[23:20 doomey] call me nero
[23:20 doomey] call me vlad
[23:20 doomey] got your move
[23:21 tqr] I think I've just stepped into a noose...
[23:21 tqr] Oh well.
[23:21 doomey] Bd6+
[23:21 tqr] now it's your turn.
[23:22 doomey] must make pee pee
[23:22 doomey] brb
[23:22 tqr] Kh4
[23:23 doomey] got your move
[23:24 doomey] so what have switched to
[23:24 doomey] rink wise
[23:24 doomey] no more red stripe
[23:24 doomey] so sad
[23:24 doomey] i'm drinking heineken
[23:24 tqr] OK, now I'm down to generic red pop
[23:24 tqr] Code red
[23:25 tqr] knock off ... called Big K 'Drop Red'.
[23:25 tqr] That's what.
[23:25 tqr] I've got to keep my wits about me...
[23:25 tqr] At least I have stripped you of your queen!
[23:26 tqr] Have you been jettisoned into outter space again?
[23:26 doomey] you mean
[23:26 doomey] your drinking cola?
[23:26 doomey] cause...
[23:26 tqr] but, the peanuts live~!
[23:26 doomey] i mean
[23:26 doomey] i don't know if i can continue if you're drinking soda
[23:26 tqr] They're keeping my buzz alive, k?
[23:27 doomey] ok
[23:27 doomey] fine
[23:27 tqr] not just soda ... man .. Drop freakaing Red!
[23:27 doomey] my turn?
[23:27 doomey] oh yeah
[23:27 doomey] my turn
[23:27 doomey] hm...
[23:27 doomey] burp
[23:27 tqr] It's all right, mama.
[23:28 doomey] h6
[23:28 tqr] Come into me1
[23:28 doomey] i could slip up here any second, cowboy
[23:28 doomey] shape up!
[23:29 doomey] did u get my move?
[23:29 tqr] got your move\
[23:29 doomey] hello, sirah?
[23:29 doomey] ok
[23:29 doomey] didn't mean to press
[23:29 doomey] quiet in the house, eh?
[23:29 doomey] sam gone down
[23:30 doomey] wife in the pain room
[23:30 doomey] theo all alone
[23:30 doomey] in the dojo
[23:30 doomey] do jo, baby
[23:30 tqr] Be3
[23:30 doomey] doe
[23:30 doomey] joe
[23:30 doomey] got your move!
[23:30 tqr] Yep.
[23:30 doomey] nice
[23:30 doomey] sharp
[23:30 doomey] nasty
[23:31 tqr] alone in the dojo, baby. Being schooled at the feet of my master.
[23:31 doomey] janet jackson
[23:31 doomey] hold on
[23:31 doomey] you be the boss
[23:31 tqr] Though I am loathe to admit it.
[23:31 doomey] nobody nobody's master here in the dojo, sister
[23:31 tqr] Give you any credit whatsoever.
[23:31 doomey] my move?
[23:31 doomey] christ
[23:32 tqr] Janet Jackson?
[23:32 doomey] somewhere between then and now i got totally fucked up
[23:32 tqr] I may flip right out of my pants!
[23:32 doomey] oh yes
[23:32 doomey] it's my move
[23:32 doomey] okhm
[23:32 doomey] let me see
[23:33 doomey] cocksucking motherfucking bitch
[23:33 tqr] They call me the pawn king.
[23:33 doomey] what to do
[23:33 doomey] what to do
[23:33 tqr] Something is happening
[23:33 tqr] but you don't know what it is
[23:33 tqr] Do you ... Mr Jones?
[23:33 doomey] Rh2
[23:34 tqr] Do you have tourettes?
[23:34 doomey] are you listening to lousy radio songs?
[23:34 doomey] i think i just like to swear
[23:34 doomey] explosively
[23:34 tqr] that would be +
[23:34 doomey] yes
[23:34 doomey] +
[23:35 tqr] Are you drunk?
[23:35 tqr] Cuz that was fucking lonely!
[23:35 tqr] Get that weak shit outta here!
[23:35 tqr] got your move
[23:35 doomey] that might be checkmate
[23:35 doomey] i am not used to seeing myself checkmate anybody
[23:36 doomey] so i don't know what it looks like
[23:36 tqr] isn't that uhm,
[23:36 tqr] ++?
[23:36 doomey] yep
[23:36 tqr] asshole
[23:36 doomey] that's da big whack, mama
[23:36 tqr] Good game.
[23:36 tqr] Work tomorrow, then?
[23:37 doomey] asshole
[23:37 tqr] Early morning cabbage spraying?
[23:37 doomey] ha
[23:37 doomey] yes
[23:37 tqr] Sheesh, it's still early where you are.
[23:37 doomey] we'll spray the cabbage come dawn
[23:37 tqr] No prblema.
[23:37 tqr] So, tell me. What is your beef with the lobby?
[23:37 doomey] yes, but i've been up snce 3
[23:38 tqr] I've made it as functional as I know how.
[23:38 doomey] 3 in the morning
[23:38 tqr] Oh yeah, You gotta be beat. And you just beat the hsit outta me1
[23:38 doomey] lobby
[23:38 tqr] Son of a bitch.
[23:38 doomey] look too normal
[23:38 doomey] don't you think?
[23:39 doomey] i think you've done kick ass with what you have to work with
[23:39 tqr] Yeah, you know. The offices where we all hold forth?
[23:39 tqr] Here. Where the Dauphine swims?
[23:39 tqr] Anyhow. This ain't no fancy office, you know.
[23:40 doomey] i'd like more arty lobby
[23:40 doomey] but that takes serious knowledge
[23:40 tqr] We gots what we got to work with.
[23:40 doomey] i mean, what can we do?
[23:40 doomey] we are low on the ladder
[23:40 tqr] I know. I know.
[23:40 tqr] We will evolve.
[23:40 doomey] we shall grow
[23:40 doomey] nnd evolve!
[23:41 tqr] At least we've got some integrated lingo.
[23:41 tqr] Mythology to build on.
[23:41 tqr] That's not too bad.
[23:41 doomey] yes
[23:41 tqr] You sunk my battleship!
[23:41 doomey] we are strange
[23:41 tqr] See,
[23:41 tqr] though pretty low tech
[23:42 doomey] i wonder what huff is up to
[23:42 tqr] the thing is getting the lobby to link to almost everything that had previously been on a menu
[23:42 doomey] he'd be good at this stuff
[23:42 tqr] You wan't to recruit huff?
[23:42 tqr] Please do!
[23:42 doomey] yeah, that lobby business must drive you daffy
[23:43 doomey] crazy shit
[23:43 doomey] huff is all busy though
[23:43 tqr] My idea is if you have everything one click away in the lobby, then you're ahead of the game.
[23:43 tqr] Understand?
[23:43 doomey] always complains how busy he is
[23:43 doomey] so...
[23:43 doomey] we need smoggs!
[23:43 doomey] and uber
[23:44 tqr] Anyhow. Thanks for the lesson.
[23:44 doomey] no doubt, lobby wise
[23:44 doomey] one click away
[23:44 doomey] must be that way
[23:44 tqr] Yes. They haven't got back to me yet.
[23:44 doomey] well, i better go
[23:44 doomey] eyes dry
[23:44 tqr] But Smoggs did reply with a strong 'maybe'.
[23:44 doomey] muscles sore
[23:44 doomey] bed calls
[23:44 tqr] Which is amazing.
[23:45 doomey] yeah that is amazing
[23:45 tqr] All right bra.
[23:45 tqr] Thanks again. I will copy this mess and have it in the lobby.
[23:45 doomey] ok then, i'll see you in the rump
[23:45 tqr] tomorrow.
[23:45 tqr] enjoy.
[23:45 doomey] goodnight and goodluck
[23:45 tqr] goodnight sweet prince.